FBI identifies Trump rally shooter asundefined
20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks
FBI identifies Trump rally shooter asundefined
20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks
The FBI confirmed that the shooter was 20-year-old named Thomas Matthew Crooks from Bethel Park in Pennsylvania. It is believed that Crooks graduated from Bethel Park High School in 2022 and received a $500 National Math and Science Initiative Star Award. According to state voter records, he was a registered Republican and would have been eligible to vote for the first time in the presidential election on November 5.
According to documents from the Federal Election Commission in 2021, Crooks donated $15 to ActBlue when he was 17 years old. ActBlue is a political action committee that raises funds for left-leaning and Democratic politicians.
Crooks' 53-year-old father, Matthew Crooks, told that he was also unsure about what had happened and would complete the procedures with law enforcement before speaking to the media.
The shooter, Crooks, did not carry identification at the shooting scene, so other methods had to be used to identify him.