HONG KONG – The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) announced on Monday that it has issued two fixed penalty tickets and 33 written warnings for violations of the city's ban on disposable plastic products. The action follows a six-month adaptation period that concluded on October 21st.
The EPD stated that despite largely successful industry compliance, it has pursued a number of non-compliant cases. Over the past two months, the department intensified its public awareness campaigns and educational efforts, responding to 62 complaints and reports of non-compliance. Of these, 33 premises were found to be persistently violating the ban, even after receiving educational outreach.
Written warnings were issued to those responsible for the non-compliant premises, demanding improvements within 10 working days or face a fixed penalty notice. Following up on 15 cases where the deadline had passed, the EPD identified two catering establishments that remained non-compliant. These businesses received HK$2,000 fixed penalty tickets.
An EPD spokesperson highlighted that the vast majority of non-compliance issues were resolved promptly. The two fixed penalty notices represent a small fraction of the total cases investigated, demonstrating the overall success of the ban. The department emphasized its ongoing commitment to promoting a "plastic-and-disposable-free" culture in Hong Kong and will continue to monitor and enforce the regulation. The EPD reiterated its dedication to public education and firm action against persistent violations.