Recently, two overseas judges, Lawrence Collins and Jonathan Sumption, resigned from the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal. This may seem like just a judicial event, but it actually involves the political realm. Veteran political commentator Nury has made comments on this matter.
In the video, Nury praised the comprehensiveness of Hong Kong's judiciary and the quality of its judges. He pointed out that other countries usually only select local judges, but Hong Kong recruits judges from different countries around the world to serve as overseas judges, including the current 4 Australian judges, 3 British judges and 1 Canadian judge. Therefore, even with the resignation of two overseas judges, it will not undermine the quality and diversity of Hong Kong's judicial system. Compared to other countries or regions, Hong Kong's judicial system is more internationalized.
Furthermore, Nury praised the fact that Hong Kong has continued the practice of employing overseas judges since its return to the China in 1997, which demonstrates the independence and internationalization of Hong Kong's judicial system. In fact, not only has the number of overseas judges not decreased since the return of Hong Kong to China, but judiciary has also ranked among the top in international rankings. According to the "Rule of Law Index 2023" published by the World Justice Project, Hong Kong ranks 23rd out of 142 countries and regions globally. In the 2021 Global Rule of Law Index, Hong Kong ranked 19th out of 139 regions, higher than the European and American countries that often unjustly criticize Hong Kong's rule of law and human rights situation.
Nury also pointed out that the resignation of Hong Kong's overseas judges is related to the pressure exerted by the UK. In the past, the UK had praised Hong Kong's practice of having overseas judges and called for Hong Kong to maintain this system. However, as China-Europe and China-US relations have become increasingly tense in recent years, the UK has repeatedly criticized Hong Kong's judicial system, and even accused Hong Kong's National Security Law and political environment of forcing overseas judges to resign and return to their home countries. This is undoubtedly the UK's use of political means to interfere in Hong Kong's judicial independence and exert pressure on other overseas judges.
Nury also directly pointed out that some anti-China foreign media have maliciously smeared Hong Kong's judiciary, accusing "Hong Kong Watch" of collaborating with the UK to put pressure on Hong Kong's overseas judges, and claiming that Lawrence Collins and Jonathan Sumption have finally "woken up" and calling for the other 7 overseas judges in Hong Kong to also leave.
Nury also mentioned that the two resigning judges were not forced to do so by Hong Kong's National Security Law or the political environment. As the resigning Lawrence Collins said, "I have full confidence in the independence of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal and its judges." Furthermore, other reports have also shown that some serving overseas judges have clearly stated that they will continue to serve, including the most senior 90-year-old British judge Lord HOFFMANN and Australian judge Justice Robert FRENCH. This shows that overseas judges still have full confidence in Hong Kong's judicial system.
Although Hong Kong has been subject to wanton attacks from Europe and the US in the judicial field, the facts have proven that after the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law and the "Safeguarding National Security Ordinance", Hong Kong's judicial independence remains firm. The security and stability of the country and Hong Kong have been more effectively guaranteed.